The pressure for a life-affirming and re-claiming soul template gets biased with the intention towards positivity, fixing and good. Yes, we wish to make the lives better of those who come into contact with us, but making lives better is not just about changing lives, and eradicating the point of suffering, nor the suffering, but rather to accept the suffering and the loss as a sacrafice for a greater truth.

Acceptance in this way is better than positivity. Life and life force will come back to you naturally only in accepting death and death force.

Julie Resche and Todd McGowan discuss Death Drive in the video below. 

Some Notes:

Death Drive, for an individual is related with self-lessness. Death drive’s impact can blast away the individual agenda, expanding empathy for services to the collective.

For a society, the death drive is the entropy, the discord, disorder. Which is neccessary.

There is a utopian dream being sold to us through many political and spiritual movements who do not include thee death drive.

By not including the death drive in our conscious holding, we project more of it outwards, into the materiality of the world.


The death drive is a force which brings us in service to others.

‘Art is the only shelter to those who recognise the death drive.’ - Julie Resche

Art is the self destructive activity, we work with a medium, not with the material of the bod/psyche. Or if we work with the material of the pysche, we do so in a transformative way.

Calling art beautiful preserves the Death Drive in it#s state without benefit.

(Anything with benefit would suddenly counteract the Death Drive and turn it positive, life affirming.)


What do you do within your own Selflessness that is dissolving you?

What does it create or how does this transform you, outside of social roles?

Its only ‘Art’ because it does not serve some social role.

To honour the death drive within you without a purpose, its important to reserve a place in psyche, home and altar for death, forces of evil, and the beauty of the absurd.

#negative #nothing #yin #againstpositivity #use #absurd #abject
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