Testimonial and Documentation
The Fools Journey: Live Art Installation and Performance
Performed at: At.tension Festival 2015
Produced and Curated by Artists: Todosch and Leonor
In the middle of the forest, wedged between four trees, is an earthy wooden construct. Half resembling a club / tree house, multi levelled, half hidden by swaying leafed branches from above.
One wall: concave, encases the round centre of the space, its convex side creating on the ‘outside’ a round ‘welcoming area’, thus managing to enclose the space just enough visually, without being impenetrable.
One wall: concave, encases the round centre of the space, its convex side creating on the ‘outside’ a round ‘welcoming area’, thus managing to enclose the space just enough visually, without being impenetrable.
Around the inner, round centre, the heart of the space, stand tall, 4(?) wooden triangular structures, wedged into the earth and covered with stretched fabric. Reminiscent of huge sails, or somehow: satellites, they manage to be reflective surfaces without actually mirroring visually. They act as guardians of the inside/outside space; they act as penetrable walls.
Stretching up from the single curved wall, wedged between these trees, is a wooden ladder reaching up towards a higher platform. Up here, is a stage. A microphone on its stand, A 90’s boom box. A guitar. A trumpet. A clarinet. A twisted array of black squid-like A.V cords and musical equipment. Something is going to happen here.
In the programme, this performance says, it goes for 6 hours. Is it a durational performance?
A couple arrive, looking cold and a bit shy. I am the coffee maker for the evening. I invite them to sit with me at the ‘front’ welcoming space, and enjoy cooking some coffee together. This is my role tonight.
As we start to brew the coffee in silence, they start to ask some questions about the show.
When does the show start?
I think it has started.
Is it here, are we at the right place?
Yes I’m pretty sure.
Who are you?
I haven’t decided yet.
Where do you come from?
Where do you come from?
I haven’t decided that either.
What is this show about?
Ah! That I can talk about with you! I’m glad!
This show functions as an open Oracle Machine. It has only just begun, and has begun very delicately.
Over the next 6 hours it will be built upon continuously.
Centrally, it is conceptually driven by the concept of Tarot. The system of Tarot works in a spiral, or a cycle, hence why the installation is set up here as a circle.
As the performance begins, you will probably see what I mean. During the show, you can interact however you choose with the performers, or you can perform any kind of character in our machine.
As you feel.
There will be Oracles: the performers themselves, as they are channelling individual Tarot cards, who will be here during various parts of the night, bringing their own particular energy to the space. You may ask them any questions about your life, about yourself, about your world. Just be open to the possibility of answers that may create more questions. Questions are a good place to start.
This show functions as an open Oracle Machine. It has only just begun, and has begun very delicately.
Over the next 6 hours it will be built upon continuously.
Centrally, it is conceptually driven by the concept of Tarot. The system of Tarot works in a spiral, or a cycle, hence why the installation is set up here as a circle.
As the performance begins, you will probably see what I mean. During the show, you can interact however you choose with the performers, or you can perform any kind of character in our machine.
As you feel.
There will be Oracles: the performers themselves, as they are channelling individual Tarot cards, who will be here during various parts of the night, bringing their own particular energy to the space. You may ask them any questions about your life, about yourself, about your world. Just be open to the possibility of answers that may create more questions. Questions are a good place to start.
And thus it began. The coffee was ready, I poured it and handed it over.
There is someone who has interest in your coffee cup, after you drink it. Look for the Moon. She’ll approach you if she sees your finished cup.
With mysterious glances they floated into the Heart of the space, where some movement was beginning.
The Creatures who appeared:
A creature, a giggling, hissing, creature, at play.
An androgynous Blue devil, sparkly, watching.
Honourable, blue, in a roughly cut and creased sheet, cloaked in modesty, and DIY dignity, The High Priestess.
A suave man, brown suit, black eyed Death joker.
Calm, dark, innocent and quiet Moon.
A loud and hilarious, snazzy, but ridiculous and cringeworthy Fool.
A thrifty, light footed, nimble fingered, trumpet playing Magician.
We walked to the beat for 6 hours
everything became simple
we laughed and cried
we laughed and cried
we laughed and cried
The Fools Journey by Leonor Beuter
Sound Improvisations / Live Art
Collaborative Shadow theatre
48Hr Neukölln /
at.tensionfestival, 2016-2017
Leonor Beuter as The Devil
Sarah Martinus as Justice, in the welcome area cove, offering Coffee for Coffee Grounds Readings at the entrance to the space.
The Amazing Band : On the wooden structure above the central walking circle, leading the beat with Todosch, As Death, on the M.C.
Leonor as The Devil (above and below)