No matter which identity we have, nor how much it is mirrored within society, our identity in relation to the world is unique to us and is a spiritual path. From this you can receive deep teachings and a lifetime of nutition and information for every ancestral lineage.
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel shares wisdom here in the video below.
Identity exists as filter for every experience we go through in our lives and also is the basis of how we perceive our relational world.
Identity (layer, image) in connection with Context (realm/world) is everything about relation.
Identity is signifier, belonging, recognition, and connects to depth within, Soul. Identity is something made from inside of our energy feilds. It is not only shaped onto us from outside. And it most definetly is not something minor or superficial in the realm of spirit.
Even within seeking a Source of Oneness or Nothingness, in order to get to the Abyss where no distinction exists, identity must show you the way.
Without identity informing your path, there is a capacity to fall out of kinship, which is about relational balance, recognition and reciprocity.
Capital and Imperial White Supremacy, which does exist, even for a Spiritualist, focuses so much on identity, yet refuses to acknowlege that it does. It actually focuses so much on avoiding the complications of identity.
Within these systems it’s only until we discuss the far-right or the issues ‘out there’ that identity seems to get properly recognised, and then the recognition is not always ‘healing’, because it is not ‘holding’. There is a lack of recognition of the truth.
In my experience, identity is not often aptly carried, within self acknowledgement of a psyche. Most of the time it is shrugged off or erased. This mostly happens for the folks who have never had to grapple for their lives or life force, with their identity. Where does the energy of that shrugging, land?
Until identity ‘has’ to be an informant of an individuals path towards oneness, until it becomes an obstacle to communication, to having to put real emotionally fragmenting and strenuous work into being recognised and to being seen in a way which respects and carries our own soul, until it poses a deep enough contradition that cannot be erased but must be carried, there is bypass. To some it might be minute, to others it’s huge.
Inside the bypass, is a need of the bypasser. for being held/affirmed, and a hope for goodness and positivity, which unfortunatley manages to evade the nessesary layers of recognition of how important identity is.
Identity does realistically dictate how much receptive labour a body is asked or expected to perform within the collective - this is through conditioning, access to resources, gender expression, class, role within their family constellation : Context.
Bodies who are not centralised in psychic space become Images of Holding. These bodies need to contort themselves around a centralisation which is not organic to their holding, so they hold more and more. The contortion the bodies make in order to reach communion within society means to have to deny centralising parts or layers of themselves, or to put these parts in contradiction, which creates inner doubles (and more chaotic psychic space).
Bodies or Energy Feilds do not get to consciously choose what they are expected to hold, so the collective white shadow - when it is not conciously owned - falls within bipoc bodies’ energy feilds. And the collective cis male shadow, falls within gender queer and female bodies.
Receptive Labour means carrying what noone wants: The complexity of shame.
Who ‘holds’? It is Dark Mother, the images who are hidden under the skirts of a white, christian Mother Mary. (Under the skirts of White Mother Mary is the vessel of real transformation).
Here’s Luisah Teish on the Black Madonna:
The transgressive vessel is both a scapegoat, and survival-force (protector, builder) within the capitalist dynamic. The transgressive vessel is the Sacred, within the capitalist dynamic.
Within the identity that we have been constellated with in this life, there is definitely some Karmic choice, and our identity indicates balance. As Zenju Earthlyn Manuel teaches, Identity as Path is about each of us having our own unique wisdom generating process with this meeting of personal identity and world. What are the teachings there about our identity, mutually forming who we are at the very depths of our beingness?
What of our identity, informs our kinships, and our non-beingne? Where do we dissolve, merge? Where do we define, articulate?
We hear and talk a lot about earth based spirituality and inigenous practices that seek to vision 7 generations ahead and 7 generations behind. Even if we were to reach this level of shamanic practice, access to 15 generations would still not give us access to Karmic sight.
Karma is infinite.
Too extended for any mind to understand and ‘know’ what a greater balance is.
We cant assume to know or be able to see with Karmic-Sight.
That would be a God Complex and inflation.
All Bodies are Unique. Noone’s identity nor path is exactly like yours.
Identity = Perspectives
Path = Contexts
Context - the location of the path and the experiences and substances of the paths - the external holding, reflections & echos - where you are located in The World changes everything.
DIASPORA (migrating, not mirrored)
A diasporic body, with mixed family dynamic around racial identity, has a completely different, lived experience of identity, as a body who was seeded and grew in a space of being mirrored through same-same racial identity.
Representation - seeing ourselves reflected in the society and world around us, is a holding recognition of an embodiment within the outer world.
Without representation, we are not embodied as ‘central’, but there is a slight shifting or discongruence between inner ‘I’ and world ‘I’. Those loci’s of attention or multi-perspectives all exist within the psyche.
Diaspora therefore have a different rested state of embodiment. To look upon the embodied psyche of a diasporic body without this awareness of parts is to disembody or dissect it, with gaze.
The sensorial body, in highly intuitive beings, can most defintely feel that dissection.
A BODY amongst Kin, mirrored
A body seeded and rooted with representation mirrored in a society who reflect identity - even if that society has a different proximity to different faces of the colonial empires, less access to resources - is having a different experience of embodied identity within society as diasporic-colonised (migrant) bodies do.
The world systems of greater colonialism and capitalism have different affects on different bodies and call Bodies of Culture into totally opposing modes of seeing and relating.
Of course a westernised gaze experience & body of diaspora will see their experience totally different to someone with a global south gaze / body of diaspora looking upon the world.
There is no Monolith of experience, nor comparison necessary.
The teaching of Identity as Path is beautiful and profound, in this way that it brings the practice back to the personal experience, where we can be formed and informed by our own intimate experiences with the inner parts of our bodies, our minds, and our souls.