Participants are invited to share intentions, night dreams or context to where you are at, in advance of the Ceremony via email to mail @ sarahmartinus . com

These shares will be kept 100% confidential and not spoken about within the group ceremony, unless permission is given on the day, within the context of the ceremony.

Participants are invited into the Praxis discord server.
On the day please feel welcome to come in at 12:30 - 45, take some time to settle into the space before we begin.

- NoteBook & Pen 
- Blindfold to cover your eyes 
- Wear Comfortable & Warm Clothing
- If you like, a Blanket to sit on, or cover yourself with.
(There will be yoga mats and cushions at the space)
 - Some snacks (to share, if you like ) & bottle of water
(some snacks will be provided too)
- POWER OBJECTS & MEDICINE BAG: Maybe you have your own drum, your own rattles, your own crystals, that help you build your own power. Please feel invited to bring them.

It is a good idea to get enough sleep and not drink alcohol, excessive processed sugars/caffeine (energy drinks) or consume chemical substances around 24 - 48 hours prior. 

Make sure you are arriving to this session 100% sober (also no micro-dosing please) & ‘as rested as possible’ in relation to current capacity. For everyone that looks different - you will not be judged if you show up exhausted, enraged, or grieving.

Emotionally: Come As You Are. All of You is Welcome Here.

This session is for psychically stable folks, If you feel you are not psychically in a stable place please let us know in advance.

While we will do our best to adapt the practices to be healthy & stabilising for for the folks who are coming, group work is not safe for folks who are within pyschosis.

The onus is on each of us to take responsibility for ourselves : to ground our own energy & communicate current capacities.

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