Threads Radio Hybrid/Live, Berlin, June 2022

Web portal // 2014-2018

Music Releases:
Hyenaz Remix, OSKUR Techno, Canada, 2020
Online and multi-media project (Sound + Visual Art)
Exhibited through various forms, since 2016.
Consumer, Refund? A strange relational vessel…
C-Refund is wave-riding into a collective glitch, within coded-system of personal and collective fragmentations - producing rhythmic [sound] alchemy through a power-game with modern machine, circling in re-turn to receive digi-blessings from ancient source wisdom.
At home in the liminal spaces of post-digital-era and re-sourced out of anonymous, private exchanges over internet dream-archive, C-Refund is for expansion of interiority through offering reflection, representing (intra)subjective dimensions as diverse, multi-layered, abstract; reflecting shadows of dark and light shimmering on digital-cave-walls in technicolor.
Driven forward by punchy, beat-held-and-driven electro sonic architectures, morphing and evolving outside of club-format, C-Refund transcendental conflicts and psychic images honor resistance as our ultimate creative instigator.
Field recordings, samples, acoustic instruments, and voices arising from within machines create pop - fluid vs not-fluid - narrative journeys, descending into rituals by factories upon factories, deep within tropical, midnight jungles.
Consumer Refund is an ongoing project which functions as psuedo-other and exists through sound, image, experience, dream archive and online space.
Spawned from the questioning of enjoyment and the pressure to enjoy, within hyper-consumptive society - described through Lacanian theory of jouissance - Consumer Refund compounds the complex, dissonant and neurotically contradictory realities experienced through the female lens in the age of a burgeoning - yet not fully realised - cyberfeminine.
C-Refund evolved out of rhizomatic live-art, beginning as post internet art: an online dream archive, which fostered a private & anonymous connection with the collective unconscious, between the years 2014 - 2020.
The boundaries between real, simulation, dreamt, spirited and imagined is blurred due to authentic yet, radically non-consentual realities jostling for co-exitstence. Their constant dissonance, amplifying the bittersweet connections mirrored by the binaries of human existence : an absurdity of invisibility and incongruence that comes tied with the inescapable humanness of individuality.... humanness that seems to remain unaccounted for, within our controlled systems of imbalanced power.
A playful [yet respectful] take on the industrialisation of psychic health is activated through an invisible service performed by what is constructed as an ‘Intuitive Factory’ - an online, private dream archive to which surfers on the internet can submit to anonymously.
The aim of Consumer Refund is to re-build the fragmented psychic vessel within digital modalities: a process - about expression of the ineffable, finding wholeness within disparate themes, holding anger, rage, grief and dissonance.
Consumer Refund became a digestion centre, a tool, which began using online space - and the internet as an exercise in digitally ‘living out’ shifting entities within consciousness.
The aims of this project continue to boost expressive, uplifting, freeing power - built on authenticity, vulnerability and digital intimacy, for a post-feminist cyber hive mind, re-evaluating the worth of the feminine energy within society activating this psychic algorithm within body [collective and individual].
Sound as rejuvenation-activism.
C-R’s exhibitions/live performances:
4th June 2022, FOAD C-REFUND, Hybrid/Live,Threads/Etikett Radio, Funkhaus Berlin.
22nd May 2022, InterRelations as C-REFUND pr. Inanna’s Descent, Kwia Listening Bar, Berlin.
27th Janurary 2018, CONSUMER REFUND, Hybrid/Live, Borshch / Blender Studios, Berlin.
22nd September 2017, OHM Berlin, Consumer Refund / Live / Hybrid / Patterns of Perception
18th August 2017, WITCH RAVE, CONSUMER REFUND Live, Treptow Insel, Berlin
28th Janurary, 2017, Queer Healing Berlin, CONSUMER REFUND, Dreamworking Private Sessions, TRIQ Berlin.
18th November, 2016, Bad Conscience, CONSUMER REFUND, Live, Loophole, Berlin
11th May, 2016, C-R Exhibition / Consumer Refund Workshop Facilitation: Imagination Language; Paint Session, Aether Gallery, Berlin.
Dreamwork ran between 2015 - 2020 as an anonymous, one-on-one communication about dreams, over the internet through the C-R Website.
Online and multi-media project (Sound + Visual Art)
Exhibited through various forms, since 2016.
Consumer, Refund? A strange relational vessel…
C-Refund is wave-riding into a collective glitch, within coded-system of personal and collective fragmentations - producing rhythmic [sound] alchemy through a power-game with modern machine, circling in re-turn to receive digi-blessings from ancient source wisdom.
At home in the liminal spaces of post-digital-era and re-sourced out of anonymous, private exchanges over internet dream-archive, C-Refund is for expansion of interiority through offering reflection, representing (intra)subjective dimensions as diverse, multi-layered, abstract; reflecting shadows of dark and light shimmering on digital-cave-walls in technicolor.
Driven forward by punchy, beat-held-and-driven electro sonic architectures, morphing and evolving outside of club-format, C-Refund transcendental conflicts and psychic images honor resistance as our ultimate creative instigator.
Field recordings, samples, acoustic instruments, and voices arising from within machines create pop - fluid vs not-fluid - narrative journeys, descending into rituals by factories upon factories, deep within tropical, midnight jungles.
Consumer Refund is an ongoing project which functions as psuedo-other and exists through sound, image, experience, dream archive and online space.
Spawned from the questioning of enjoyment and the pressure to enjoy, within hyper-consumptive society - described through Lacanian theory of jouissance - Consumer Refund compounds the complex, dissonant and neurotically contradictory realities experienced through the female lens in the age of a burgeoning - yet not fully realised - cyberfeminine.
C-Refund evolved out of rhizomatic live-art, beginning as post internet art: an online dream archive, which fostered a private & anonymous connection with the collective unconscious, between the years 2014 - 2020.
The boundaries between real, simulation, dreamt, spirited and imagined is blurred due to authentic yet, radically non-consentual realities jostling for co-exitstence. Their constant dissonance, amplifying the bittersweet connections mirrored by the binaries of human existence : an absurdity of invisibility and incongruence that comes tied with the inescapable humanness of individuality.... humanness that seems to remain unaccounted for, within our controlled systems of imbalanced power.
A playful [yet respectful] take on the industrialisation of psychic health is activated through an invisible service performed by what is constructed as an ‘Intuitive Factory’ - an online, private dream archive to which surfers on the internet can submit to anonymously.
The aim of Consumer Refund is to re-build the fragmented psychic vessel within digital modalities: a process - about expression of the ineffable, finding wholeness within disparate themes, holding anger, rage, grief and dissonance.
Consumer Refund became a digestion centre, a tool, which began using online space - and the internet as an exercise in digitally ‘living out’ shifting entities within consciousness.
The aims of this project continue to boost expressive, uplifting, freeing power - built on authenticity, vulnerability and digital intimacy, for a post-feminist cyber hive mind, re-evaluating the worth of the feminine energy within society activating this psychic algorithm within body [collective and individual].
Sound as rejuvenation-activism.
C-R’s exhibitions/live performances:
4th June 2022, FOAD C-REFUND, Hybrid/Live,Threads/Etikett Radio, Funkhaus Berlin.
22nd May 2022, InterRelations as C-REFUND pr. Inanna’s Descent, Kwia Listening Bar, Berlin.
27th Janurary 2018, CONSUMER REFUND, Hybrid/Live, Borshch / Blender Studios, Berlin.
22nd September 2017, OHM Berlin, Consumer Refund / Live / Hybrid / Patterns of Perception
18th August 2017, WITCH RAVE, CONSUMER REFUND Live, Treptow Insel, Berlin
28th Janurary, 2017, Queer Healing Berlin, CONSUMER REFUND, Dreamworking Private Sessions, TRIQ Berlin.
18th November, 2016, Bad Conscience, CONSUMER REFUND, Live, Loophole, Berlin
11th May, 2016, C-R Exhibition / Consumer Refund Workshop Facilitation: Imagination Language; Paint Session, Aether Gallery, Berlin.
Dreamwork ran between 2015 - 2020 as an anonymous, one-on-one communication about dreams, over the internet through the C-R Website.