

Guided, Ancestral Belonging Sound Session

with g r a t i t u d e & p o w e r to Christina Hazboun for co-instigating this session with me.

(︎︎︎guided tracklist is below︎︎︎)


Welcome to a One Hour Open-Access Online Session which opens a Ceremonial Space held in sound, guiding us into Depth and through Earth Chakra, with the intention of rememberment during times of dismemberment.

This is a sound session especially focused for Bodies of Proximity, foremost bodies with lineages who have been silenced, or erased and bodies who are currently bearing the brunt of the trauma & violence at the growth edge of our collective, in terms of facing and recognising the spiritual intrusion of the colonial capitalist war machine.

In terms of the circle, these bodies are wisdom bringers - their traumatic experiences contain the updside down codes of liberation.

We pay special repsect to Bodies of Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Haitii, Hawaii, Kanaky, Arhnem Land, North Dakota Turtle Island - all First Nation Indigenous Lineages & Original Custodians of Land.

We Urge for Treaty & Reparation.



Bodies of Proximity, to me, are bodies who witness themselves being pulled apart, fragmented, co-opted or under pressure from tides influenced by systemic, colonial, direct & indirect violences & extractions. This includes all bodies activating & bodies in any stage of their waking up process.

These can also be de-conditioning bodies -> a body descendant from colonies, a body reclaiming agency, a body asking forgiveness, and a body re-routing recognitions.

The term Body of Proximity is also simultaneously referential of the collective or the realm - Proximity to what?  

Proximity to wounding is also proximity to divinity.

What happens when we centralise the fragementation?

Proximity to the parts is also proximity to the reconciliation & the transcendence.

Transcendence is to go futher than integration, because we have a ‘Holy Third’ who is greater than the sum of our parts. (I will circle back to this.)

Proximity is movement, movement is process.

And this is important to note here that Peace is not only stillness -Peace can be dynamic and in motion.


Bodies of Proximity is an inclusive term, self elected.

It is inclusive and centralising of queerness and blackness.

Proximity favours The Darkness, leans towards it.

We are born from proximity as we are born from Darkness.

Proximity also speaks to relational constellation the intrapsychic and the body of a reality as an agential being in creating us or ‘emerging us’.

Proximity is relational.

Bodies of Proximity co-emerge best from within the heart of each other through seeds of sincerity.

Proximity is community & network.



Rememberment is formed through containment and witness - the function of the healing is recognition within consciousness.

We give space for a phenomena to be allowed to exist, (phenomena is Spirit).

Remembrance is important to Soul (thus, denial & bypass, traumatic, soul loosing/stealing).

Space & Being Seen is important to Soul.

There are various levels of rememberment which we are passing through on a personal and collective level at the present moment.

Perhaps on the personal level we remember lost soul parts who went into the care of spirits during any experiences of trauma, neglect or violent-impact into our energies.

Perhaps on the collective levels there is a remembering of greater truths, the struggles that were previously hidden are coming to light to be freed.

When reality and identities are broken open we wish to fall gracefully into a humble bed of Earth.



This Ancestral Belonging Sound Session (Ancient Sumerian Poetic Narrative, Tao, Core-Shamanic) as recording - with drums, gong vocals, shakers and flute, is a guided Ceremony into Depth.

We Constellate The Earth Chakra, Opening The Lower Spiral Doorway & we get a chance there to express, unwind & disintegrate the old template & call through New Codes - renewed courage, rejuvenated clarity & connection with Soul Power.

As you might know, this is a research-informed practice, processually in the works gathering momentum especially through the last 4 years of opening rituals in-session, & through having been led towards particular Spiritual Energies & Poetic Story.

Everything shared here is with thanks to the community around this practice.



Decentralising from white supremacy - turning away from false ideals - and moving into Earth Based Kinship is a breaking apart and a dissolving of an entire reality-size-belief-system which had been coded into every relation and character of things - until it looked like culture.

Decentralising is not an ‘either/or’ its a ‘yes, and’.

Intergenerational trauma compacted within lineages starts to look like personaliity and culture.

Our true culture, the culture of our Body & Soul, is Earth. Rested.

Plants, Animals, Wind, Water, Cycles and Rhythms of all that we know belongs in that Culture of The Earth.

We belong to Earth.

To allow this to sprout our connection to Earth, it needs to be given space. Emergence needs space.

Our original culture is a place where contradiction is medicine and mediation a sacred process.

Contradiction and mediation - leads to the transcendence, the newness - not only an integration, and most definitely not a subjugation.

For this we acknowledge a Sacred (ie: transcendent) Cosmic Law (ie: at the greatest point of inclusivity of cosmos) which takes both Spirit (Yang, Positive Charges, Directive) and Materiality (Yin, Negative Charges, Receptive) into account.

Any dogmatic or exclusionary belief system, is not our truest most original culture.

Healthy discernment and respectful acknowledgment of difference - the choices of free will, into style and expression - They are relational layers.


The following two passages show the multiplicity and contradiction of truths between Being and Relation.

Non Duality would say: Your true state of being is Peace/Oneness/NonDual. Anything outside of that or contra to that is is a layer of energy (which is neither good nor bad, but just is).

‘A disciplined mind is not a peaceful mind; a peaceful mind is not necessarily a silent mind.
A peaceful mind is one that is free of the illusion of separation, a mind that is no longer serving the fears, demands, neuroses and anxieties of a non-existent separate self.
Such a mind will be more or less active at different times, depending on the requirements of the circumstances, but free from the belief in separation, it is a truly peaceful mind.’

– ‘The Light of Pure Knowing’, Rupert Spira.

Kinship would say: There is no ‘Being’ and no ‘You’. There is only chaos of relation, flowing towards & away from infinite balances, dancing through moments of transparency and opacity.

‘Relation contaminates, sweetens, as a principle, or as a flowerdust... Being-as-Being is not opaque but self important... relation struggles and states itself in opacity.
It defers self-importance... the echo of being... it’s patience outdistances depths and sea.
Relation scatters from Being... It depends on Relation that the knowledge in motion of the being of the universe be granted through osmosis, not through violence.
Relation comprehends violence, marks its distance.
It is passage, not primarily spatial, that passes itself off as passage, and confronts the imaginary’

- ‘Poetics Of Relation’, Édouard Glissant.



Offering a De-colonial Sound Healing Ritual Template, means to me, to not ‘prescribe’ from a place of being ‘outside looking in’ from some kind of hierarchy or from having been untouched, plastic or removed from the co carrying of the flesh-blood of an issue.

I do not believe as a healer to only ‘stay in my bliss’ as I find this more impenetrable aspect of sovereignty another proliferation of shadows of hyper individualism. I find it very important to feel into the spaces of what others are going through - but to not stay there or get stuck there.

Allowing ourselves to be touched by the world (as catalyst) but not ‘drawn fully into it’ as a sacrafice.

I aim to become mutable in meeting you where you are at, attune to where you are and journey with you into the direct of a central alignment, sometimes this is done by absorbing projections, or reflecting back counter-projections to instigate safe(r) modes of containment and self - governance.

Empowerment does not exist in isolation - from where is the Power is coming?
From who or what is it coming from?

Healthy Power comes from Compassionate Sources and these are Collectivly trusted Sources. (Ie: Nature Spirits, Elements, Animal Instinct.)

We claim Power from what is and always was ours.
We dont need to take it from co-opted sources.

Our Empowerment cannot come at the expense of not including someone or something, or a spirit.

Mother Earth & Grand Mother Cosmos - these are origin powers, supportive & protective.



Do not listen to this recording while operating machinery or driving a car or riding a bicycle on the street. As this is an altered state journey, it is best received in an undisurbed location where you can put in some headphones, lie back, prefereably within a cocoon of blankets and close your eyes or cover them with a blindfold.

As we open the space together maybe you can light a candle or burn some incense. When burning incense it is a good idea to open the windows to enable any energy to leave the space & allow fresh air in.

If you do not have access to candles, dont worry! In the recording I am lighting three in the middle of our shared circle. Hold them in your vison & receive their glow.

When you enter a circle such as this one, it will always be there for you to revisit in the future through memories. At any point in time you may return to this recording and re-experience the session. Once we have been in circle together the bonds of the Power is never broken. May you return here to this circle when needing to either offload Power or receive Power.


We open a circle of kinship, together bow our heads, connected as seekers of salvation.

Wishing you a Powerful Journey through the Ritual.






1. Opening The Space

Recognition of the 4 cardinal directions, North South East and West, Above & Below.

Opening the Senses, Lighting Candles, Burning Insences.

Welcome in Beauty

2. Constellating Mother Earth ( Chakra )

Calling our attention into The Body

Tender Body

The Humility of Belonging to Clay

Earth & Water

Understanding the Earth Herself She is a Chakra

Feeling into this Chakra

Allowing the breadth of Her stability find you

Gravity Embrace

3. Opening The Door (Spirals)

Inviting in Mystery, Curiosity, Chance.

This is about having Space inside ourselves

Maybe a realm of peace


There are ancient stories which tells us, we don’t need to be the hero and remake the world. All we need to do is open the door.

Welcome in a new rhythm, understanding our paths here are not linear.

The door is a Spiral, rotating, spinning.

A Spiral indicates that a clash of opposites has been resolved and transcended.

The Spiral is the path that resolves conflict, allowing of balanced movement and a natural unfolding, harmonious transformation can continue.

4. The Door Is Open (Downwards)

The Initiation, The Descent,

Dying Before you Die - To no longer live on the surface of things.

Shedding Skin.

5. Call For Power (I Breathe)

Stripping back to Simplicity

We call for Power here.

6. Calling The New World To Come To Meet Us

Enter into a

pre lingual

pre feeling

pre soma

pre physical material

pre idea

pre imagination


Here in this place of Pre Being

As Ultimate Manifestor and Protector

Most Importantly is Beauty

7. Calling to the Salve - Enki (Passageway)


The Earthworm, Punctum - the smallest point, a gateway to the infinite -

A voice to what doesn't have a voice.

To make contact with and then speak from another from of consciousness.

Wounded innocence, the mark of divinity

Attracting representatives of The Spirit World

Here accepting the broken and dismembered as Whole.

We hold an image of Her that encompasses more than just the dismemberment of trauma.

In the middle of things

Betwixt and Between

Light and Dark

The Grey Way

The Liminal

The passageway

8. To-See-Through-You-See-Though -To-Me (Witness)

Walls fall down, Image falls down - Co-emergence!

Merging - Melting

Boundaries Dissolve

Spirit is Watching

Spirit is Listening

Attention is Expanded

Giving Receiving

Time & Space do not Exist

We are Separate from Separation Itself.


Animal Spirits arrive

Orb of Energy constellates

We Rotate around a Golden Flower

A Pink Lotus 


Union between all Visions


Empathy, not Sympathy, but a shared, co carried experience.

Led by Instinct


Deepest meeting

The Centre of Things



9. Closing The Space (Wings)

Recognition is


We Wrap up with a bow this experience

Make it double right right

Thank you in Relation for keeping us connected to all that exists, cosmic web.

Thank you in Being for keeping us agential.

We forgive ourselves from and release of any gaze of incompleteness

Returning as Stewards between Earth Chakra & Soul Star.



#decolonialhealingtemplate #descent #initiation #relational #kinship #prophecies #spokenintobeing #alteredstates #ritual #soundhealing #guidedmeditation


Guided, Ancestral Belonging Sound Session
- 7.10.24 -

Appearing Online & Open Access Sunday Night 6.10.24

    ︎     ︎

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Welcome in Relation!