We are relational beings with inter subjectivity. 

An ancestral constellation goes beyond our personal biographies and finds the epigentic roots within early life experiences and is curious about the positionality of your energy within context.

We tap into relational networks where distance and intimacy (proximity) is recognised.

This extrapolation into lineage - allows grace when acknowlegding wound or shadow, as wholeness - even in cases when we have extremely dynamic energy internally/externally, or are carrying impacts of the traumatic.

With conscious practicing into the development of this ancestral lens, we do recognise personal identity, yet do not get locked into fixed identification, by also recognising path (or realm) as teacher, offering us fluidity during incredible transformations, and space to also consider mediating the systemic.


Ancestral is experience, is gaze, we form it and it forms us, through story and image.
There would be no thing and no life without ancestral wisdom accumulating, it forms all systems and societies.

Every message we receive through our bodies or our psyche, and every relationship in our lives (and the state of our relationships) - our relationship even with reality itself - is a message connected with ancestral wisdom. 

Dropping into this space becomes a memory practice into collective experience.


Some of collective memory is embedded into how we interect with transient phenonema, or are embedded into matter.
(Yes, even the screen you are veiwing this page through, is built through images and relationships of ancestral wisdom.)

We usually discuss ancestral wisdom in the context of holistic pychospiritual techniques, and wisdom kept through Indigenous worldview, and cosmolgies. It is also present through myth, archetpye and symbol, language, poetry, music, art and culture.

Seeing through the eyes of an Earth Centered or Planetary Cosmology - is a very wide vision - to ‘See through the eyes of The Sacred’, to see through ‘Universal Consciousness’, to see through the harmony of the spheres, to see through ‘the third’ (transcendent) or ‘the fourth’ (immanence).

Our gaze is multiple, our psychic template infitinite in parts, from many perspectives all at once, a reflection of our relational cosmology - Attention is expanded.


We can find power within what draws or affects our attention.
In this praxis we enact on articulating and re-distributing that power.


The coping mechanisms and conditionings we all have, often are wrapped around unconscious, unrecognised or disowned loss, where we beleive ourselves to be powerless or without agency. Our lineages have always adapted through great change and disruption, with resiliency. When attention is expanded, we can access agency, to re-member that power and access more insight into the conditioning we can evolve, to suit the current context and not be living in a reality still coloured by unprocessed ancestral traumas.


Within this practice we witness and carry into transformation any unhelpful content that does not bring new life for us anymore, and extract or transform it into ‘food’ for the un-seeded aspects of ancestral power to grow back.

We see unhelpful content as important - as this is a catalyst in breaking into what is to be a continual, ultimately freeing, spiralling process.

There is always limitation in this process as we do not exist in isolation from limitation,

None of us can run from being inexorably tied to The World, and come through the experience as unwounded.

We will always be touched by it, muddied by it and in contradiction because of it.

The aim is not to remove all the ‘toxicity’ but to relate to it uniquely.

This does not mean to adopt the new age spiritual rhetoric of hard-won sovereignty. Here we stay supple and earthy. You decide when to submerge into world and when to discern yourself some distance.

The work is a mixture of internal acceptance and courage towards speaking up for our own value systems.

We transmute pain and suffering by giving it as offerings towards a sacred container.


Ancestral healing, alike depth-analysis, is not a destination, but an ongoing process of learning deep care of our Soul and walking onwards with wide self-containment.

On this path we act to become Elders.

There is no way but through, and the passage back to oneself, where home becomes everywhere, is full of beauty.


My pathway to understanding ancestral curses as such began in 2014-2015, I was initiated through dreaming, synchonicity and materiality as an oracle through 2014 - 2020, in addition to early life visitations from Spirits. I started working in private practice in 2020 with supervision. In 2023-4 this expanded into an identity recognising, liberation model.

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