"My wound existed before me;

I was born to embody it."

~ Joë Bousquet



Times of great transformation and change ask us to live at the edge of our human capacity.

Deep grief, depressions or great periods of stress are asking to be lived out.

Walked onwards with, theses periods can be gently caressed into a feast for the soul ~ alchemised into creativity, in order to rebirth and evolve us.

In forging our own new pathways, we need others to walk with us.

Witnessing and walking together is what I offer in these Counselling Sessions.


Working with dreams, experiencing presence, developing expression through art, and coming back into somatic experience, opens a conversation with the deepest aspects of our being - supporting an inquiry into the charges playing out their dramas in our unconscious.

My aim is to support you in discovering your deeper knowing and intimate relationship with inner worlds. An examined awareness, held with compassion, open curiosity and witnessed in conversation, leads to a process of integration, of our lost or dormant power.

I do this through adapting my process to suit you. In these sessions we go into a mid-state or liminal space of meditation together, where we call in certain powers, connect in deeply and shift in and out of mid levels of consciousness, opening an inner door for more fluidity.

What supports me is an expansive Earth Medicine Based (Core Shamanic) and hollistic spiritual practice, philosophical, mythological and psychoanalytic framework. I have a deep knowledge of psychological behaivioural mechanisms & systems, paired with trust in the beauty-knowing of Soul and respect of The Unconscious as the true centre.

My first aim above all - is to listen and sense in.

Focus :

Broken Intuition, Creativity [losses of], Trauma [complex forms of], Trauma Bonding, Dysfunctional Family Systems and Ancestral Trauma, Emotional Neglect, Depression, Co-Dependancies, Addiction, Toxic Relationships, Loss of Meaning, Anxiety, Overwhelm, Panic, Burnout, Shadow-integration work.

I help people either enter into a safe framework within a new diagnosis, or move out of what might be a limiting diagnosis. I can help you see the potential rich area of our woundedness for a Soul’s mission.

What I can offer :

- Safe and open space.
- Non judgemental, non-pathologist, non-hyperindividualist perspective - an understanding that we are fluid beings, not fixed in one way or another, of being ‘defect’ and the centralisation of health is not “Standard Man” (30 y/o White Cis Male). Health is a process of balance and you are in the center!
- A thoroughly intersectional view on psyche - spiritual, symbolic/archetypal, personal and collective, I have sensitivity to the individual in complex network.
- Somatic movement and expressive art as a part of living out and integrating emotion.
- A deep understanding of transformative emotions as messengers in clarifying your power.

What is yours to come :

- New consciousness into your own patterns - thought patterns, somatic memories, inner child states and existential needs.
- Re-contextualisation of your story, re-ownership of your own story.
- With time dedication and care, you will have chances to get your power back.


 - Witness Session (Talk Basis, for new clients) 1,5 Hr / 80 Euro [sliding scale]
(I send a session breakdown after the first session, where Psycho-Magic Acts are passed on to make at home.)

 - Drop-in - Witness Session (Talk Basis, for returning clients only) 1 Hr / 60 Euro
(Bring your own note book.)


The type of counselling I can offer does not cover persons in danger of loss of life, in extreme or emergency situations, psychosis, or provide sufficient support for people needing an emergency response.

For immediate care:

The Berlin Crisis Service provides fast and professional assistance for issues including psychosocial crises and acute mental or psychiatric emergency multi-lingual advice is free of charge, 365 days a year, around the clock :



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